Mac Anu is an iconic city of canals, gondolas and tranquil atmosphere. Beautiful fountains and Gothic architecture defines it. The sounds and the scenery will bring you peace.
Protect the Grunty Farm! [Quest]
These general areas are created by the CC Corp account for players to instantly post in. They are continuously recycled and are often the grounds for npc encounters and plot events.
Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground
A feeling of foreboding creeps up your spine as soon as you gate in to this field.
We're The Tunnel Snakes [Orochi's Chamber - 8 Ways to Hell]
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Infinity_Notice_25 [New Level Scaling]
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  Δ Growing Tragedy's Crawl Tree [QUEST]
331 views / 22 replies
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  Δ Dreaming Wizard’s Cloak [Quest]
285 views / 20 replies
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  Δ Endless Idling Cool Night [QUEST]
167 views / 13 replies
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  Δ Roaring Heretic's Snow Lamp
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  Δ Peaceful Idling Weed Eater [rumour]
130 views / 7 replies
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  Δ Peaceful Lakeside’s Camellia
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  Δ Quiet Barren Frog Lake [Quest]
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  Δ Sacred Cursed Royal Edict [Rumor]
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